How to Create and Edit Calendars

This is an overview of how to create and edit your calendars in our software. By setting up and customizing your calendar features, you can create appointments and manage your time in our software, for your business needs.

Step 1: Create a New Calendar or Edit an existing Calendar

  • Navigate to Calendars from your main menu or Settings

  • Click on Create Calendar to add a new calendar OR click the three dots next to an existing calendar to open the menu to edit it.

  • A popup window will appear for you to customize the calendar.

Step 2: Fill out Tab 1 - Team and Event Setup

  • Choose the Name, Description, Title, and Meeting Location

  • Choose an event color for calendar syncing.

  • Choose a linked calendar (if you have a Google calendar synced.)

  • Choose a sync option - one-way, two-way, or disable trigger.

    • NOTE:** we have a full tutorial covering the different options.

  • Save and Continue to the next tab.

Step 3: Fill out Tab 2 - Availability

  • Fill out the “Appointment Slot Settings” to configure the duration and intervals for appointments. Here you can customize how long an appointment slot is if there’s a buffer of time between appointments, how many appointments can happen at once, and how many per day.

    • For example, if this is a 30-minute meeting calendar and you want to schedule 1 appointment per time period, with no buffer, and you’re comfortable with back-to-back appointments with no buffer, but you want to max out at 5 per day, you’d set the slot settings up like this:

  • Continue on to the Scheduling Notice section where you can set up the timeframe in which appointments can be booked. This can help prevent last-minute bookings, or bookings too far out.

    • The minimum timeframe can be set by hours, days, weeks, or months. The maximum time frame can be set by days, weeks, or months. The example below shows a minimum of 12-hour notice, and a maximum of 15 days out:

  • Set your “Office Hours” by clicking On or Off the days of the week you wish to set hours for (blue means you have availability). Then, determine the hours for each day. Here we have Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm set:

  • Save and continue on to the next tab.

Step 4: Fill out Tab 3 - Confirmation

  • Under “Form Settings”, you can choose a custom form if you’ve created one you want your contacts to fill out before their appointment/calendar booking.

  • Sticky contact, when turned on, will remember the data the contact enters and pass that on to other forms, surveys, payment information in the funnel, etc. as they work through our software.

  • Stripe payment can be toggled on here if you wish to charge for the appointment.

    • NOTE: You’ll need to have an integrated Stripe account; check out our other tutorials on that.

  • Under “Notification & Additional Options” you can auto-confirm appointments, send an alert email, allow Google Calendar to send an invitation or update emails to the attendees, and enable rescheduling and cancellation, cancellation.

    • NOTE: We do recommend that you update this custom value to be appointed. rescheduling an ***appointment.*** Cancellation link if you plan to use these here or in campaigns.

  • You can add a Facebook Pixel ID which will come through as a scheduled event.

  • “Custom code” allows you to enter HTML or JavaScript (not CSS) that you want to be loaded into the calendar.

  • Fill out the “Form Submissions” section to determine if you want a customized ‘Thank You’ message, or if you want them to be redirected to a URL.

  • Click “Complete” to save your changes.

NOTE: Ensure you click “Activate calendar” in order for the calendar to be live.

Last updated